Friday 14 January 2011

Working out helps relieve SA

Running is something i do to forget. Forget about negative thoughts. Forget about SA. Just know?

When i run it feels as if i'm normal and when i say that, 
i mean i feel part of the "Normal group" within society.

You know? The normal group. It includes good attributes such as:
-social ability
-communication ability

Before i sleep, i lay in my bed and think about what makes me normal. As people dear to me know i don't have much of the normal attributes above. So what makes me feel normal other then exercise? Well, you guys do. Watching all these YouTube videos such as janeyfromkorea to mrshyandtimid makes me believe that Anxiety is not the reason i feel rubbish but its the negative thoughts with it Lol. I know for sure that negative thoughts can be beaten. Wooooooop!Woop!


  1. Thanks for the comments you left on my blog, and thanks for actually mentioning me in this entry. I'm glad you're taking steps to manage and get rid of SA. Working out is a very beneficial factor in SA. It makes you feel good, physically, and you relieve a lot of stress and anxiety also. Keep on doing what you're doing. It's good to read your progress and actions on SA.

  2. commenting you comment lol

    thanks :)

  3. I like to run, but haven't made much time for it lately. I know what you mean about feeling normal when running. For that moment the focus goes off of SA and it feels as if we are just another member of society.

  4. Thank you for posting a comment.
